Sunday, August 5, 2007

Evening at Mission Viejo Lake

For family night this past week we went to Mission Viejo Lake. We swam for a little while, ate dinner, fed some ducks(the kids), then built sand castles. The lake is one of Adam's favorite places to go. He loves to swim and dive for mini sea shells.
Travis got a little bored, I guess.
Our picnic.
Kirsten just loves watermelon, she was too busy eating that instead of smiling at the camera.
Kirsten and Adam feeding the ducks. Adam gets so excited that he jumps up and down. It's pretty cute.
Apparentlt Travis loves to feed the ducks too, and talk to them. lol

I thought the sign said the park was for ages 12 and under?
Adam preparing a deep hole for his sand castle.
Pulling the carts up the hill reminded me of pushing and pulling the hand carts on the trek.

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